Going Green

Brantmeier Ford Roofing ProjectFor flat roofs, selecting a membrane that is 87% reflective reduces energy costs.

Duro-Last’s Cool Zone® Roofing System protects your roof and the environment. This system, with a reflectivity of 87.5%, was awarded an Energy Star® ranking. Cool Zone’s total emittance was measured at 95%. (Emittance is the percentage of absorbed energy that a material can radiate away). Both these ratings are among the highest in the industry. Because the Cool Zone system is so lightweight, it can be installed over existing roofing systems, eliminating costly tear-offs. The membrane reflects damaging ultraviolet and infrared rays which degrade the effectiveness of insulation and other building components.

Energy-Efficient Commercial Roofs

The white membrane is the only single-ply membrane rated by the EPA ENERGY STAR roof products program. It has retained reflectivity of greater than 86% after three years of weathering. This high retained reflectivity, combined with proven durability and virtually maintenance-free performance, can save energy and money for building owners.

Save “Green” by “Going Green”

Scrap generated during the manufacturing process is recycled back into roofing membrane and other construction materials. In addition to being environmentally-friendly, the membrane will last longer in harsher environments than many other systems. This system can help buildings obtain LEED ® and LEED-EB credits.

Precision Roofing’s Recycling Program

Our recycling program includes the following:

  1. Cutting up used Duro-Last roofs into 5’x5′ sections and shipping them back to Duro-Last for analysis and re-production.
  2. Deliver pallets from products shipped to us to a local landscape company that grinds them up for decorative mulch.
  3. Steel, aluminum, copper and lead are taken to a local scrap recycling facility. A local vendor recycles cardboard. Office paper, junk mail, etc. is shredded and used as filler for shipping products by a local company.